In the Fire and Flames

(Bian Tai POV)

As soon as the bell rang, I turned to my Sect brother, intending to ask him to cover me with his trademark Virtuous Flames enhancement Technique.

He was supposedly the best enhancement Practitioner in our Sect, his enhancements two to three times stronger than most other Practitioners.

The Virtuous Flames Cultivation Technique would clad the target in Spirit Flames for a set duration which would burn anything that came close. The flames are so hot that it instantly boils water a meter away, a truly powerful defense Technique.

Normally this Technique would require at least ten to fifteen seconds to cast amongst the Elites.

For brother Se Lang to cast such a strong Technique, five seconds was more than enough.

But who knew that even before I could relay that thought to him, something hard had hit me in my abdomen and sent me sprawling on the ground.