The Students Become The Preachers

(Lian Li POV)

"And thus, Master is truly the greatest being in existence and we, unworthy as we are, shall cleanse this world of its impurities for Master."

I closed the book reverently, "All for Master."

"All for Master," my small class repeated with the same level of reverence.

I looked up from the book to see the new believers sitting in front of me.

With the exception of Butch who was being used by Cai Hong, Manami and I as a chair, everyone else was seated in front of me with their hands clasped in prayer.

When I first started extolling the virtues of Master, most of them hadn't been especially receptive to the idea.

Nothing surprising, we've converted people even more blind than they had been so it was just a matter of time and effort.

Butch had been the first to convert, soaking up every word Manami had preached to him like the good little boy he was.