Of Course Elves are Mandatory In A Fantasy Story

(Lian Li POV)

Manami had told us about Master's Divine Request.

This is a holy mission that we must not fail.

While Manami was going to recruit the fox youkai from her village, I will be looking for a different group of people.

Manami had dropped me off in the outskirts of Jin city along with Eris and Diao Chan, letting us make our way into the city.

Leading my two sisters towards a deserted alley, I pushed aside one of the boxes and removed a small brick in the wall, revealing a concealed lever on the other side.

I pulled it without hesitation, the action causing the wall nearby to rotate open and revealing a hidden staircase that led downwards.

With the other two girls flanking my sides, we descended the staircase just as the walls rotated back into place behind us.

Two men were waiting at the end of the staircase, guarding an unassuming metallic door.