'Cause Baby You're A...

(Manami POV)

As expected, Delta had won the competition with ease.

Hearing those two idiots of the Xi Family complain so incessantly was rather annoying though.

But since Master had been occupied with brushing my tails, it made the whole thing bearable at least.

They had watched on in envy when the Phoenix Ember petal was passed to Delta, the elf waving towards our direction with a beaming smile.

"Interesting girl, friend of any of yours?" Master asked while braiding Cai Hong's hair, the loli dragon seated comfortably on his lap.

"We met her back at Jin city," Lian Li explained. "Manai was quite sympathetic to her situation and we made friends with her."

Master smiled at me, "I see. I take that as the reason why she got almost all my questions right?"

I bowed my head low, "I apologise Master, should we not have tutored her?"