And There Were Two

(Elder Sister POV)

I am Odriana, the first daughter of the Lindulf House. We were a rather respectable family of merchants ever since our grandparents' time.

Grandfather and Grandmother had started up the Lindulf trading company in their prime after migrating over from a place they had refused to tell us, stating it was better that we did not know.

We had just assumed they had crossed over the Death Mountains from Dong country and were just unwilling to talk about it.

From young, I had been closer to my younger brother than my elder one. It was no surprise since father had been grooming him to be his next successor ever since he was born while I was just an asset to be used by the House.

I had been initially betrothed to another man fifteen years my senior of a more wealthy merchant House. It was nothing more than an arranged marriage to help gain familiar relations with them for my House.