The Anomaly

(Elaria POV)

After seeing those two heathens out of the guild, I called for an emergency meeting with all the other Heads of Division within the An Ney May Conglomerate.

We met within one of our underground bunkers on the outskirts of town, where our people could test our creations away from public eye.

"Should we take these heathens out?" My head of security suggested, his finger thumbing one of our revolver prototypes.

I waved my hand at him, "For now, we've agreed not to resort to violence… Just maintain the status quo for the moment."

All of them nodded their heads.

Onee-sama fingered the hem of her dress, "In the meantime, Intelligence division should look into them. Find out who they are, what their plans are and why they are here. They seem to know more about us than we do them, that has to change."

A woman with her hair tied into a ponytail pushed up her glasses with a hand, "It will be done, First Lady Lindulf."