Let It Burn


I waited till the next morning before breaking the genjut-- I mean the mental Technique that Dark Sect guy used on the entire Sect.

Why didn't I do it immediately that night?

Hey, I still wanted my sleep ok? If I did that then I'll have to deal with the aftermath, no way I'm gonna do that before bedtime.

Well… Since there was a dead body in my bed, I had to go sleep in my disciples' room that night instead.

Needless to say, the girls were ecstatic and there was a lot of fluffing and head patting involved before we finally went to sleep.

When everyone else in the Sect finally snapped out of whatever had been controlling them, the first thing they did was to try and push me for the role of Sect Master after I explained to them what had happened.

It was a rather unanimous decision, all of them pointing out how well my disciples were doing and how I had practically saved the Sect from certain destruction.