Tea Time With Royals

(Manami POV)

"It's been a while dear sister, how have you been?" Lian Li asked

"Ohohoho~ Very, very well! Never better! I've made a lot of breakthroughs in my research!" Elaria laughed, covering her mouth with the back of her hand.

All of us were currently seated in one of the drawing rooms, waiting for the Royal Family to join us as invited by the princess and king.

"That is good to hear. You said that you were also working on something that will aid us with the Dongs?"

Elaria snickered, "Heh heh heh… That is meant to be a surprise! Don't worry, iIf they do come after what Onii-sama treasures, I will burn them all in cleansing flame!"

Master's little sister is very outspoken as usual, though I think she had somewhat simmered down as compared to last time.