United We Stand, United They Fall

(Elaria POV)

I crested the hill on my horse that overlooked the battlefield in front of me.

I had rushed here as soon as I could, pushing every available unit I had at my disposal to make their way here as quickly as possible.

Every crew had already gone through enough training to operate the machines but this would be the first time we deployed them on an actual field battle.

There were a few complications like engine problems and vehicles getting stuck on the rough terrain we took to get here, but we still managed to reach here on time.

The Dong dogs were already charging towards the town, I will need to do something to stop them…

Ah, that's right.

I took out the loudhailer I had attached to my horse, something I needed to coordinate the vehicles that I was leading.

Turning it up to the maximum volume, I yelled, "Fear not! BeiYang's calvary is here!"

That got most of their attention.