Swimming Lessons

(Lian Li POV)

I raised an eyebrow at Manami and Kiyomi who were coming back from a faraway part of the beach, both of them looking rather satisfied for some unknown reason.

Behind me was Eris poking at the giant ice cube that was Brendan, unsure if he was even still alive.

"So… Any reason why our brother was encased in a giant block of ice?" I asked, already knowing who made him like that.

Kiyomi acted surprised to see the ice block at the side, gasping, "Oh my? Whatever happened to poor Brendan here?"

The ice fox youkai flicked a snowball at it, the impact causing the ice to shatter and release Brendan who was, surprisingly, not suffering from hypothermia.

I assumed Kiyomi hadn't frozen Brendan completely and insulated him somehow. At least we don't have to worry about her accidentally killing one of her fellow disciples to do whatever she had been doing with Manami.