Late Night Rendezvous

(Lian Li POV)

I tiptoed my way up the stairs, the rest of my sisters creeping up behind me.

All of us had changed into the sexiest lingerie we brought along for this trip and we're all prepared to stay up the whole night today.

Surprisingly, Cai Hong was already asleep in our room when we had returned from the baths, so we assumed that Master was also done with His bath.

Somehow, before I left the room, there was the unshakeable feeling that we had forgotten something but I managed to ignore it for now.

Leaning against Master's bedroom door, I slowly pushed it open, the well-oiled hinges making nary a sound as we entered the room.

Pushing open the doors to Master's room, I peered into it cautiously. The room itself was dark without even a single lit candle, which was rather weird since Master would usually leave at least a source of light on even when asleep.