Silence Atop A Hill

(Lian Li POV)

I knew something was wrong the moment the air around me shifted.

This time, the blast of Quarks was right behind me and deeper into the island so there was no mistaking that I felt it.

The sun had already set so the forest had been engulfed in darkness, the place dark enough that I could only see as far as I could stretch my hands.

I let the boar I just killed drop to the ground with a soft thump, my senses alert.

All of us had decided to split up since it would be counterproductive to stick together in a hunt, but now I wished we had chosen to move as a group instead.

At least Cai Hong should still be with Manami but I worry more for Master's sisters.

Facing such an unexpected event, Manami should have tried to connect all of us telepathically but since she did not, it most likely means she could not do so for some reason.