The Gender Ratio Is Getting Screwed

(Brendan POV)

"I apologize for my earlier misconduct Master Bre… I mean Mistress Brenda," Gamma bowed her head.

"Please, I still want to be referred to as a male. And this was Master's idea so such a response was… Well.. Expected I suppose… So it's all good, really," I assured her.

"I thank you for your benevolence, Mistress Brenda."

I sighed but decided not to correct her in case she goes into another round of self-blame and waved her away so she could get back to her duties.

"So this thing is permanent until you guys take the pill with the opposite effect?" Eris asked, making sure that Master was not within earshot.

I looked at Master enjoying the time with the other girls in His female form, the girls seeming to quite like His new form just as much as the old one. I suppose it's just the novelty of something new.