When Your Dark Past Is Revealed


My disciples and servants were all crowded around me. The dining table, chairs and food were gone, though the chair I was sitting on still remained, leaving the others to stand at where they were.

In front of us was a tall tower built out of what seemed to be some kind of black stone, obsidian, maybe.

There was a single window placed at the top of the otherwise featureless tower.

"What is this?" Elaria asked, looking all around her, though the pistol she had drawn still remained pointed at Sophia.

"A memory, or rather, my memory of my first meeting with young Master Lin," Sophia explained offhandedly.

We looked around the empty plains and not a single soul was in sight.

Brendan stepped forward, several vials of poisons and potions clutched in between his fingers, "Is this supposed to be an elaborate set up for a trap?"

Sophia chose not to answer and instead pointed to the empty space right in front of the tower.