Killers On The Loose

(Manami POV)

"South west… About five kilometers out. Find them." Master ordered.

Kiyomi and I immediately leapt into the air towards the direction Master had ordered, trusting our other sisters to protect Master should another arrow be fired at Him.

We reached the location in just a handful of seconds, finding two cloaked figures busy running away from the edge of a cliff.

I dropped down on top of one of them, pinning the person down on the ground and stabbing my tails into their four limbs.

Kiyomi descended on the second one a second later, freezing her captive's limbs in place.

I reached down and tore off my captive's hood without hesitation, revealing the back of a distinctly feminine head before it suddenly melted into a puddle of black goo.

I growled in frustration and turned to Kiyomi, finding her sitting on top a similar puddle of goo.