Sometimes The After Pill Is Hard To Swallow

(Lian Li POV)

It felt like the world was crumbling all around me.

When I woke up, I thought everything that happened last night was merely a dream.

But when I came out of my shelter and saw the haunted look on the other girls' faces, I knew it was not a dream at all.

We remembered everything.

I remembered how I kept screaming in my mind for myself to stop, but my body wouldn't listen and indulged in my darkest, darkest fantasies of pushing Master down and having my way with Him.

I remembered that look on His face when we jumped Him… There was the look of sadness and resignation on His pure face… The sort of expression that we had vowed to protect Master from…

But my body didn't care, I just mounted Master and kept going until I was filled.

And as much as I hate to say it… It felt glorious to embrace Master like that.