Woooaahhh... Dudeeee...

(Brendan POV)

"What? Wait, where did you say Master went?"

Kiyomi raised an eyebrow at me, "The alchemy room. Didn't you say you needed Master's help?"

I didn't need to look behind me to know Liehui was making a similarly agonised face as I was.

"I didn't think Master would be back that soon… This is bad… He went into the room?"

She frowned, "Last I saw, Master was indeed heading in that direction… What did you do, Brendan?"

I shook my head quickly, "It's nothing serious! At least… I hope it's not. Ummm… I'm not sure how Master would react… I was going to get some things to clean it up before Master got here..."

Kiyomi stepped closer to me, "What. Did. You. Do."

I gulped, "I think… I think we should gather everyone at the alchemy room…"

She held her gaze, "I'll go get them, you go make sure Master is alright."

I nodded and quickly left with Liehui following me.