Knock, Knock, I'm Here

(Xun Guan POV)

Master was angry.

It doesn't look like he was but I could feel the anger radiating off of him ever since he knew Brendan was taken.

Some of his actions also seemed to become a little irrational like the torturing of that man for information. I'm pretty sure Master could have used other ways of extracting it but he had let that fox youkai do untold horrors to him, even joining in the torture a few times.

Master wasn't too worried about Brendan since none of his protective inscriptions on him had activated which meant Brendan's life was not in danger. He had said that if even one of them gets activated, he would instantly go to Brendan's side.

But even so…

I directed my attention to the trail of corpses that Master had left behind while strolling towards the castle. Everyone who tried to stop him was mercilessly slaughtered either by Master or one of his companions.