Assembling A Task Force

(Lidiana POV) [MC's Mama]

Fate is cruel.

It first blessed me with such a wonderfully cute son before forcing me away from him. Then allowing us to reunite again before making him disappear once more.

If I could shoot fate in the face I would have done so a million times already. Damned useless bastard.

"So… You're sure you or your people aren't involved this time?" I asked, propping my head up with a hand.

"No… I… We really had nothing to do with it this time…" The whore muttered.

What was her name again? Mei Bian? Stupid name.

She should thank her ancestors that she still has some use, or else I would have just told my people to chop her fingers off and dump her in a lake somewhere.

I stared at her for a long minute in silence, scrutinizing the bitch who dared try to take advantage of my dearest son.

When she did not look away, I knew she was telling the truth.