Never Trust Someone Who Lives In A Cabin In The Woods

(Kiyomi POV)

When the dust from Elaria's bombardment finally settled, the necromancer was thankfully still alive albeit just barely.

She had just managed to erect a shield around herself when the explosions started but even that shield was insufficient to protect her against the bombardment, shattering upon the first impact.

I had to extend my own shield to protect her, wondering how she survived for so long being so pitifully weak.

"Heh heh heh! Take that you zombies! I'm the best imouto here!" Elaria shouted proudly, not even caring that she almost killed our potential informant.

Tsuki clicked her tongue, "This is nothing, I could do the same without the aid of a starship."

"Yeah, but my way is much cooler!"

"Aniue never cared about such things."

I really need to complain to Master later, this little sister rivalry is getting a little out of hand.