They're Just Really Trusting

(Elaria POV)

Gunununu… I hate to admit it, but Tsuki was definitely stronger than I was in terms of personal abilities.

At least Onii-sama's love does not depend on how strong we are and would still love me despite that.

Hmph! I am definitely still cuter than her though! Everyone knows that the imouto should be the cutest one! So I win!

"As I thought…"

I looked up upon hearing sister Kiyomi's voice, seeing her stop in front of a glass window on one side of the wall.

I peeked over her shoulder and found an interesting scene of fairies sitting in what appears to be individual miniature jail cells.

Sister Kiyomi rapped her knuckles on the glass, causing all of them to look up at us.

Most of them seemed surprised by us, though there were a few that immediately started hitting their fists against the glass, clearly enraged at our presence. The glass seems to be sound proof since we heard nothing even when their mouths were moving.