The Slimy Night Guard

(Xun Guan POV)

I watched with mild jealousy as that Phoenix Girl collapsed onto the bed after being utterly satisfied by Master's tongue.

Master then dumped her beside him before moving to cuddle with the sleeping Cai Hong.

He motioned towards me so I slid off the chair in my slime form and went to cover Master up again as his bodysuit.

I took my time engulfing Master's body from his feet to his head, enjoying the sensation of Master's naked skin before I concentrated on morphing myself back into the Wugui's looks.

I turned my attention to the unconscious Feng Jie sleeping beside Master, somehow seeing that contented look on her face just pisses me off.

"Master… Maybe next time you should just let me knock her out instead," I suggested.

"Mmm… There's no need to. She did help me in her own way and it's not like I hate doing it with her either so it's fine."

"I still think it's a bit presumptuous of her to use Master like that."