Mirror World


"Master… We love you..." Manami moaned, finally falling into an unconscious bliss beside her sister.

I already learnt from my experience with them last night so it was easier for me to satisfy these two foxes in hear this time around.

Leaving the two to recuperate, I went back out into my courtyard after Xun Guan dressed me again.

My disciples were still sitting there alongside the servants, at least they looked less confused than they were before this.

I went back to the pavilion and sat down on the bench to face them, "Sooo… I suppose all of you have questions about what just happened?"

Brendan raised his hand "Umm...Yes, Master… Was I mind controlled?"

I grinned, "Well… Yes and no. The actions you took were basically things you already wanted to do but just didn't, so… You should have just told me how you felt, Brendan."

His face actually turned bright red before he hid it behind his hands.