Here's A Recording Of It

(Tsuki POV)

Ehehe~ I can feel Nii-chan's love still inside me~

I'm so glad I managed to draw the winning straw to distract Nii-chan while the rest of my sisters went to punish that piece of trash.

Sure, it's a shame I couldn't go and punish that idiot for inconveniencing Nii-chan, but receiving Aniue's love makes it all worth it!

What makes it even better was that they had specifically told me to distract Nii-chan for as long as possible so I had no qualms about hogging Nii-chan the entire time.

Oh my? Nii-chan's seed is dripping out? That won't do. Won't Nii-chan fill me back up again? Ehehehe~

And just like that, Nii-chan and I made love until I could no longer feel my legs.

Ahh~ This feeling of bliss! If only this moment could continue on forever!

Unfortunately, as blissful as it is, I still needed to return to reality. But at least I was wrapped around Nii-chan's arm when we went back to our little camp~