Lian Li's New Game+

(Lian Li POV)

I awoke with a start, finding myself in an unfamiliar room wearing unfamiliar clothes.

Did Lilith knock me out to bring me here? Why is there even a need for her to do that?

I sat up on the bed and inspected my surroundings. The room was relatively simple, even more simple than the room Master had given us to stay in His courtyard.

There was just a bed, a desk and a rickety old chair that looked like it was carved out with an axe or something similarly crude, it was the type of room that Master would most definitely not let me sleep in.

I swung my legs off the bed, intent in trying to find out where I was when the door to my room opened.

Instead of anyone I knew, a golden haired woman I did not recognise stood at the doorway.

"Oh my? My daughter is awake before I came in? It looks like it might rain today," The woman chuckled before beckoning to me. "Come now, breakfast is ready."