Time To Gather The Multiverse (*R)

(Elaria POV)

Brother Brendan was faster than anyone to return this time despite being one of the last ones to jump this round.

Surprisingly, the moment he recovered, however, he immediately went to the vials of Origin liquid and began sifting through the notes again.

I peeked over his shoulder, "What happened?"

"I spoke to Master and She… Err…  He told me what I needed to do with this."

Ehehehe~ When I found out that the Universe brother Brendan went to was a place where the genders of everyone were flipped, I couldn't help myself but to take a peek in it. Needless to say, what I saw happening there was quite interesting~

Brendan took out one of the vials of Origin liquid and uncorked it before carefully pouring it out on the ground.

The liquid pooled onto the ground, leaving a small puddle at where he had spilled the liquid.