Tormentor And Tormented

(Tsuki POV)

It was already quite weird that my jump conditions involved me using a baseball bat to swing at a watermelon but at least it worked.

I looked around to try and get my bearings, finding myself in a weird cave of some sort.

Inside said cave, I found some basic amenities which included an actual four poster bed, a section that looked like a kitchen and even a dining room complete with chairs and tables. There was even a study judging by the bookshelves and piles of books scattered around a couch.

All in all, a pretty comfy place despite it being a cave.

What is weird is that I don't see Aniue around though… Am I living alone here or something?

"AAARRRGHHH!!!" A scream pierced through the air from outside the cave.

I immediately recognised this voice belonging to Aniue so I rushed outside, only to see him tied to a wooden post stuck to the ground while a dragon hovered above him, looking at him like he was a midday snack.