The End's Breakdown

(Iris POV)

*Moments before*

I looked at Master.

His silent, perfect back. 

And yet… There was still something that was just a little off about Him.

Others might not be able to see it but for someone like me who knew Master the best in the entire Universe, I could sense it clearly.

"Master?" I called out to Him.

Master did not even acknowledge me and continued looking off into the distance.

Certainly, the past Master would do this as well but the feeling of it was different.

The feeling I would get from the previous Master would be as though He had heard the sound of the wind blowing through the air, but this time it was like He did not hear anything at all.

Yes, there are major differences between the two and I could tell them apart especially when Master was the one exhibiting such a feeling.

"Master?" I called out again, a little louder this time.

Master still showed no signs of having heard me.