Let's Turn This Place To A Resort


"So… Is Daddy going to get rid of this World now?" Lilith asked while I was cuddling with Cai Hong, Iris and Brendan.

Brendan was the only one who was asleep while the other two were just getting comfortable.

I tilted my head at her, "Hmm? Why would you think that?"

"Well… You've made Mother understand how it's like to be considerate of others now, right? So you don't need this place anymore?"

"But… Everyone's still having fun, right? Do you want me to get rid of it?"

"... No?"

"So are you going to come cuddle or not?"

"Yes please~"

She skipped towards me and tried to find a spot where she could join in the cuddling.

Iris looked up at her before scooting over closer to my side, giving her space in the middle.

Needless to say, Lilith was plenty surprised by her actions but decided not to say anything and crawled into my embrace, settling herself down to cuddle me in the space Iris had vacated.