We're Losing Our Minds Here


So… I'm now floating through the void of space alongside everyone else that had been present inside the Grand Courtyard.

Quite a number of them were understandably panicking and flailing around while the other more experienced Practitioners were trying to protect themselves and those around them.

At least this confirmed that those guys were abnormal since almost everyone was also surprised by this turn of events. Heck, even the people from the countries of Mei and Han were panicking too.

"Wheee~ Papa! Floaty floaty!" Cai Hong giggled while swimming through the air.

"Master? What's going on?" Lian Li asked while floating upside down next to me.

"Well, space got shattered by those two so we all got sucked into a void in space."

"Isn't this a problem, Master?" Brendan pointed out while slowly spinning around.