Just A Researcher Helping Another Researcher

(Elaria POV)

I showed him my data sheets, my clinical records, my bio scans, my biopsy reports and various other files that I have kept in the archives in my pursuit of creating the serum that would allow me to reach Godhood.

Brendan took a look at all the data I showed him and the only thing he said was, "Yeah… I can't understand any of this at all. Why don't you just show me the actual thing?"

Hmm… I guess expecting him to understand science just because he's an alchemist was too much.

Oh well, I guess showing him the actual serum might be better anyway so I went towards one of the vats that had someone floating inside of it.

Typing the passcode into the panel, I initiated a shutdown on the subject's testing procedure, causing the liquid inside the vat to start draining away.

It was then filtered to a vial beside the console, the filtering process leaving only a test tube's worth of the liquid behind.