And The Last One Ascends

(Brendan POV)

"It's done!!" Elaria cheered, tearing off the thick goggles that she was wearing around her eyes.

On the screen above her, the words "Synthesis Complete" were flashing intermittently so I guess she was finally ready for the next step.

She snapped on a pair of gloves and took out a glass vial from within this strange looking machine that was spilling out a bunch of cold mist.

The vial itself contained a blue liquid that was held in a double helix shape which she handled very carefully.

Elaria then transferred it over to some kind of capsule that was designed to specifically receive said vial before shutting the lid and only then did she relax and let out the breath she was holding in.

"Phew! Now I just need to get into my Bio pod and then start the process of becoming a real Goddess!"

I blinked at her, "Are you not going to test it or something?"