When A Succubus Is Around (*R)

(Diao Chan POV)

I looked down at the magic circle I was drawing, trying to spot any potential mistakes that might impede me from realising my aspirations.

Finding none, I took a step back away from it and prepared it for activation.

The moment I did so, however, something flew towards me and I had to duck to avoid the projectile, turning myself around to face my attacker.

A woman stood there with her hand outstretched, looking quite annoyed that I had avoided her attack.

I smiled at the Origin Wielder, "My, my~ Aren't you a cutie? What are you doing in a place like this? Did you get lost?"

She narrowed her eyes at my magic circle on the ground, "What are you trying to do with this?"

"Ehehe~ Nothing at all~ I was just getting bored so I decided to paint a pretty picture on the ground. Don't you think it's nice? I really like these circles over here~"