Why Are There Statues Of Me?

It's been a long while since I last walked around the Sect, even before I went to the centre of the universe.

There were… Quite a number of changes that I had not been aware of…

First thing I noticed was the giant statue of me that had been erected in the Grand Courtyard, positioned in such a way so that it looked like it was watching over the entire courtyard.

I pointed at it, "What is that?"

Sect Master Qing smiled, "Why, it's a statue of you of course, Master Lin."

"Yes… I can see that… But why is there a statue of me in the Grand Courtyard?"

"Ho ho ho! Master Lin is the first Master to not only ascend to the highest point of existence as Origin, but have aided eight of your disciples to ascend to Godhood as well. If that is not a worthy enough feat to warrant a statue to be made to commemorate you, then I don't know what anyone else would need to do to get one. You are the pride of our Heaven Sect, after all!"