This Is My Slime


I ended up spending an entire day in bed with Guiying.

I got so distracted by her that I forgot about what I had initially gone to find her for until I left.

Oh well… She did say she would handle it so I left it to her.

In the meantime, I decided to go check on the monsters in the Sanctuary.

I teleported myself into the Sanctuary and was slightly surprised to see Benjamin there.

He bowed, "Divine One, welcome back."

"Did you know I was coming?"

"We had expected Divine One to come eventually but we did not know when. Thus, we had been taking turns to wait for you here."

I never said I would come here though… It was a spur of the moment decision for me, you know?

I guess they were expecting me to come and check on their writing?

Looking to the side, I realised that on the ground near Benjamin was a small notebook with a pen laying in between the pages.