Reason to Hate

"Hah... Hahah..." Eiro laughed in response, even if it was obviously a fake laugh, "G-Good one, Jura... I... I'll get going to help Lugo now..." He said, quickly pulling the door open and rushing out before anything else could be said about this, as he looked around, his sight getting rather hazy.

"I need to get away from here..." The Imp muttered quietly, just staring forward into the distance in front of him and starting to walk.

Just... walk. Eiro didn't know where he was trying to go, or how long he would, but that didn't matter right now. Soon, walking turned into jogging, and even later, jogging turned into sprinting, until Eiro found himself in front of the river. It was normally roughly an hour away from the house if you walked without stopping, but it seemed like now, Eiro made it there a lot quicker... Although, he really didn't know how long it's been.