Trouble, Trouble

While Eiro did find what Arc just told that soldier more than just hilarious, he also knew that this was exactly the kind of thing that Nelli was warning him about and as such swiftly turned toward the spirit, who was already eyeing him with an 'I told you so' expression.

"Don't look at me that way. If Arc hadn't stepped in, I might have killed that guy." Eiro pointed out, and Nelli sighed deeply and shook her head disappointedly, "How great..." She sighed, and Eiro simply turned his head back toward Arc and the Soldier, the latter of which was seemingly getting rather fed up with all of this and swiftly pointed his spear at Arc.

"That's it! In the name of the Holy King, I am taking you under arrest!" The Soldier exclaimed, and there were actually some people looking at him from their own shops due to the noise.