Spirit Barrage

With an annoyed grumble, Eiro opened his eyes and sat up properly. He was currently leaning onto Lugo's antlers and took a bit of a nap to make up for the sleep he didn't get last night, "Morning!" Arc exclaimed from the carriage, and Eiro tiredly nodded his head, altough he soon grew rather surprised.

"Why is Avalin out here with you?" The Demon asked, and the young girl immediately waved her tiny hand at him, "Hello daddy!" She exclaimed, and Eiro sighed deeply and slighlty lifted his mask to show Avalin a smile as well, "Hello there Avalin!" He replied before dropping his mask onto his face again and waited for Arc's explanation.

It was getting colder and colder at the moment, and it seemed like the first snow would be coming relatively soon as well, so Eiro didn't necessarily want Avalin to be out here like this. She mostly had dresses and not that many thicker clothes, after all.