Use your fists

From the backlines, without lifting a single finger, Eiro watched Jess, James and Krog fight against masses of dog-sized spiders.

Of course, he was a bit busy making sure that Leon and Avalin didn't see anytihng that was going on, but Eiro still sensed everything that was going on around here nonetheless. Eiro thought about how exactly these three would fare against the masses of spiders inside of the place they turned into their nest.

After all, even if they were doing well right now, that was only the case because they had relatively much space to fight. The tightly-knit system of trees, rocks, and underground tunnels that was the spiders' nest had none of that. There would be monsters all around them from any possible direction, and they would need to fight their way through there according to Eiro's instructions if they wanted to get stronger. Each for their own reasons, of course.