The Collector

Eiro sat there on a small block of rock that he created with earth magic so that he could have a proper place to work, all the whilst taking a look at the homeless-man's stump and other leg. He wanted to figure out what the prosthetic had to look like, and especially what kind of wood it should be to make sure that the prosthetic wouldn't be rejected somehow.

In the end, the Demon had a pretty good idea about what it had to be, and slowly looked at the man's face again, "Where do you live, or sleep, or whatever?" Eiro asked, and the homeless man slowly glanced up at him, still confused about what this random masked person was even doing.

"Wherever the fuck I want, aye... I dun' have a place to stay..." He pointed out, so Eiro slowly raised his brow with a light grin, "Hm, I see." Eiro replied.