Memory Manipulation

Eiro looked at Bahlsen with his arms crossed, waiting for him to properly explain how this alley was the place they had to start looking for the 'Collector'. And he swiftly did just that.

"You see, the Collector has a few different habits. The most important one to take notice of being that he picks his victim seemingly at random. Some of them have vague connections to each other, while others couldn't be more different. That's because he doesn't care about things like social status, age, gender, or how his victims look... simply about their parts. As if he was shopping, simply picking out the best of the best as he comes across it."

"Hm, that does make sense... If he wants to create some kind of abomination, using the strongest and highest-quality ingredients would make quite a lot of sense." The Demon pointed out with a slow nod, although he was surprised to see that Bahlsen shook his head.