The Prison

Eiro looked around the gardens, trying to find anything that was possibly out of place. And in order to do that, the Demon even fused with Gondos to make sure that he was able to see if there were any unnatural parts about the mana in the area that could explain why Gobo was feeling that something was weird before.

And immediately, Eiro could see that the flow of mana really was a bit off. Not by lot, but it was a bit more erratic than normal. Sure, there were times when this happened naturally as a result of random chain reactions of some magic. It could have just happened because all of the magically hidden rooms in the manor were being made use of again.

However, that wouldn't explain why Gobo felt watched. It explained the weird feeling that something was off, but that really didn't feel like being watched. Even Gobo said that they were two very different things to experience, even to him.