Gasping for air

Eiro turned his way toward his escort with a confused expression, "Well, I just want to get in there. How else do you think we do that?"

With a deep groan, Clark held his hand up to his face and rubbed the bridge of his nose as he pushed Eiro to the side. And without another word, he knocked on the wooden door. A few moments later, it opened up and someone came to the front.

"What'd'ya want?" The man that 'greeted' them asked in an annoyed tone, and Clark pulled a bundle of gold coins out of his bag and showed it to the man, "We're here for a business deal. What else do you think?"

"Hm... Aye, come in." With a light smile that appeared the moment he saw the light sparkle of the gold coins, the man stepped to the side and let Clark and Eiro inside, "Keep goin' till the end of the hallway. Someone's gonna ask you why yer there, so just tell 'im then."