The Pen

Eiro looked at the monsters in front of him and tried to figure out what they were thinking about the Demon's actions. He had clearly miscalculated the way that these Orcs were going to act. It seemed like they were a lot calmer than even the different books that Eiro read about them were describing.

That led Eiro to two conclusions. One, he couldn't solve this with violence in the same way as he did with the Goblins and Kobolds. Those guys were savage enough to accept strength as the most important value a leader could hold, and responded incredibly well to Eiro scaring them. That wasn't the case for these Highland Orcs, however.

Two, the reason why they were leaving must be incredibly troubling, otherwise they would most likely try to stay here anyway. As they weren't the sort that were driven into fear as easily as other monsters were, they must be faced with a quite frightening opponent.