Leaving for Lognir

Eiro woke up in the morning, ready to continue the trip to see find the Dragon of Truth, Solomon's familiar. The Demon had helped bury the elder's body last night after he had passed away, and then proceeded to check on the current housing of the Orcs to make sure they were comfortable.

But now, there was not much that he had left to do. Armodeus apparently already woke up to get the carriage ready, excited to truly see it in action, and the Demon didn't let him wait too long. As Eiro stepped out, he rubbed his hand over Lugo's snout to tell him to wake up, while Bavet slithered up Eiro's leg in snake-form to then sit on his shoulder in the form of an eagle. 

Eiro didn't know why, but it seemed like Bavet preferred being in animal or monster form rather than in the form of a person. But it was his choice, in the end.