Slight Struggles

Nelli swam through the air and moved in front of Eiro, looking deep into his eyes with a soft smile on her face, "But remember, you still have an incredibly powerful evolution in front of you, and after that, once you become a Royal, your power will increase by many times as well. Your plans are all slowly coming together, so even if you're not there just yet, it won't take too long until then." The Spirit told the Demon, who looked back at her for a few moments before nodding his head.

"You're right, thank you." Eiro smiled lightly as he pushed himself off the rock. He took a few deep breaths, trying to get rid of the slight lightheadedness that he was feeling right now, "Let's continue, I guess."

Eiro turned around, quickly followed by his three contracted Spirits, reaching Lognir again just a few moments later, "Oh, you're ready again?" The Dragon inquired, and Eiro nodded his head.