Elder Brother

Eiro stood in the classroom, explaining what makes a bond with a familiar special. And then, a student asked another question, "And is there a particular reason for choosing to get a familiar? Wouldn't it be simpler to just try and tame something? And in that case you can have more than one at a time..."

"Well... If you ask like that, then... sure. It might be. But the connection between you and a familiar is much, much deeper. You share things between one another. When you grow, your familiar grows with you, to an extent at least. Abilities that you gain might affect your familiar, and vise versa. That is not something you can get from tamed creatures. And not only that, but to a certain extent, you can share your senses with a familiar. Communicate with them without words. This is actually the reason why this art was created." Eiro explained.