Cake and Tea

Eiro landed on the windowsill of one of the second-floor windows, and swiftly stepped into the hallway of his manor. It was a lot quicker than having to go through the front door, especially with his target currently being Leon and Avalin's bedroom.

The boxes were still floating right beside Eiro, and everything was perfectly intact. He made sure of that by manipulating the air-currents around the boxes while he was flying back home.

The Demon swiftly opened the door to his children's room. Avalin jumped up the moment she saw Eiro and ran over toward him, dropping her pens that she used to draw a bit right now.

"Yaay!" She exclaimed. But of course, that wasn't an exclamation of her happiness of seeing Eiro, but rather, of seeing the boxes right beside him. Eiro rolled his eyes and placed the boxes onto the table at the side of the room, and opened them up.

Eiro quickly whistled a short melody, and then said, "Get us some plates."