Explaining the Situation

Eiro sat inside of the huge crystal cave, making the island slow down bit by bit, so that it would come to a halt at a very specific point. Right above Skyhart's castle, far, far above it. Soon, the island was practically stationary, it would only slightly wave up and down now, but it shouldn't be more noticeable than it would be in the middle of a ship out on sea. Luckily this island wasn't waving from side to side, at least. It was perfectly stationary in that sense.

The Demon let out a deep breath, as he stepped out of the crystal cave, where his party was already waiting for him.

"I'll head down there first, and I'll bring Solomon up here so that we can figure out what exactly to do together. And it might be better to move him up here than Maria down there. It's going to make a lot of things a bit easier to handle." Eiro pointed out, "And if it is really his sister... then the two of them can be emotional without worrying about the people around them."