Monstrosity and Compassion

"W-What are you?!" One of the outlaws yelled out, and Eiro slowly tilted his head to the side, "Does it really matter, now? And I doubt that any of you will even understand the answer, even if I had one for you." The Demon said with a light grin. He walked over to the puddle of flesh, blood and bones that had been their companion, and grabbed the dead guy's head. He pulled him up with ease, and held him forward, for the first time in a long, long time letting his monstrosity run wild within him.

"That was a really powerful bomb you had there. Did one of you make it?" Eiro asked, as all the outlaws were stunned, unable to properly react to what they were seeing. The shadows soon faded away from Eiro's skin, showing his red and blue flesh, his crystal-like, colorful horns that sat above his head, and the deep crimson wings that were spreading out like a wall behind him.